Ghulam Mehmood Dogar, a Lahore Capital City Police Officer (CCPO), on Monday defied the Establishment Division’s commands.
The CCPO also made the decision to appeal the Establishment Division Saturday’s last suspension orders.
It should be emphasized that despite the Establishment Division’s instructions to suspend him, the CCPO has remained in his position.
Additionally, he has made the choice to appeal the federal government’s decision to suspend him in court.
The police force is starting to suffer from the divisions between the federal and Punjabi governments.
According to legal authorities, it is unlawful for the CCPO to continue working while on administrative leave.
It is also important to note that although the federal government had removed the CCPO from his position, the Punjabi government prevented him from reporting to the Establishment Division.
The Establishment Division had written the CCPO three notices instructing him to quit his job immediately, but he didn’t reply to any of them.
The CCPO has also begun speaking with legal professionals for advice.